Say Hi to our second shopping bag, the bigger one. The one for the weekly & monthly groceries, bigger splurges or just for other stuff. The 'potoshi' (random stuff) we sometimes just need a big bag for.
Life's basic necessities are illustrated on the bag. Not just modern-day items, but also nostalgic items we always had in our kitchen cabinet. Such as Corned Beef & Funchi (yellow corn meal). Basis of a delicious meal now seen as food for the less fortunate, but back then it was what we all loved & had, especially during dry season.
Made from organic cotton & designed with much love from Bonaire to the world!
Color of the tote is natural. The size of the bags is W 45cm x H 40cm x D 20cm. The handle is 10cm from a sturdy material with a width of 6.5cm. Which is wide enough to sit super comfortably on your shoulder, no matter the weight of the bag.
Machine washable.
- Corned Beef
- Webu (eggs)
- Biña (wine)
- Drùifi (grapes)
- Funchi (yellow corn meal)
- Stròbèri (strawberry)
- Bakoba (banana)
- Pan (bread)
- Keshi (cheese)
Anto tin biaha gewon tas di potoshi (& sometimes just a bag for random stuff)
Location: Toko Laura
Shot in the oldest &dreamiest toko. A toko that has been around since 1969 in one of our local neighbourhoods Nòrt'i Saliña. Owned by 86 year old Laura. She has been the owner for the last 34 years, prior to that her father-in-law was the owner.
Joyful that the toko is, it's so sad to know that it's the last original toko on Bonaire :( All of our lovely tokos have been replaced by big supermarkets & mini-markets.
Drop by & get you some Lie from Laura at Kaya Aruaco!

Gotomeer (1)
Gruta di Lourdes (2)
Pos Bronswinkel (3)
Kaumati (4)
Onima (Inskripshon Spiritual di Indjan) (5)
Inskripshon Spiritual na Fòntein (6)
Pintura di Indjan na Karpata (7)
Amerigo Vespucci ta jega Boneiru (8)
Posiblemente Pader Fernandez a soru pa por haña mas tantu Indjan bèk i laga nan liber pa nan regresa Boneiru. No tin prueba si alfinal nan a regresa.
Hispañola i bèk Boneiru (9)
Kapitanía (10)
Eksportashon di palu (11)
100.000 kueru di karné (12)
Enkuentro Spaño vs Hulandes (13)
Kandela (14)
Karpata (15)
Porta Spañó (16)
Pirata Hulandes i Franses (17)
Arku i Flecha (18)
E Hulandes nan a huza Korsou komo nan sentro di komersio i e Spaño nan kier a mantene Boneiru pa meskos.